CS-371P Week 11

Maria Maynard
2 min readMar 28, 2021


What did you do this past week?

This past week I finished up the allocator assignment with my partner Joey early in the week. Later in the week, I worked on my other classes such as my algorithms homework so that I could keep up with my other classes when I did not have an assignment to work on for this class. I also rewatch a few of the lectures for this class so that I could understand the topics better.

What’s in your way?

There wasn’t anything really in my way this week. If anything, I found it difficult to go into this week since I had a lot of things due and my motivation was low coming back from the break. Other than that, the week was pretty stress-free and easy-going once I got later into the week.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will work on the next project when it is release. Additionally, I will be working on my other classes since I have an algorithms exam this week. I plan on studying a lot for that exam so that I can do well. I also plan on working on my business minor class a lot because it is self-paced and I have fallen a bit behind the timeline I would like to keep for myself.

If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?

I thought the concepts introduced were really interesting. They reminded me of the days in 314 where we spent talking about abstract classes and inheritnece. I enjoyed reading the examples that they had in the paper.

What was your experience of initializations, and vector?

I used vector for the first assignment because it was what I found on the internet that I thought would be useful, but I liked learning about it in class so that I could actually understand how it was working. I also enjoyed learning about initializations because it never occurred to me that there could be different types.

What made you happy this week?

This week I signed a lease for my apartment for the next school year. I have been looking for a while to be sure that I found the best deal. Additionally, my parents are going to help me out so that I can move early so that I can have office space when I work from home over the summer.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is that sometimes when you are having a hard time with a problem its so important to take some time away from the problem so you can tackle it with a clear mind.



Maria Maynard
Maria Maynard

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