CS371p Spring 2021: Week 2
What did you do this past week?
This past week I have been trying to get into a good workflow for this semester with this class and others. For this class, I worked on trying to get git lab setup and I plan on starting the assignment today and setting up docker.
What’s in your way?
This week I had a lot of homework and assignments for my other classes, and I am still getting used to having to do homework and be productive rather than doing nothing all day. I also had issues with my car that took up a lot of time that I needed to be spent on school work but I didn’t really have another option.
What will you do next week?
Next week I hope to get a lot done on the project hopefully early in the week so that I can have time later in the week to work on my other classes. I hope to also get used to my workflow so that the rest of the semester can be as smooth as possible. I plan to use any extra time doing some things to relax like playing games or working on the blanket I am crocheting.
If you read it, what did you think of the makefile?
The makefile was a bit overwhelming. I haven’t really ever had to make my own makefile so I have honestly never paid much attention to the ones that were provided for me in the past. I didn’t understand a lot of the syntax but the other people in my group annotating had a lot of good notes and questions.
What was your experience of Docker?
I haven’t tried using docker yet but I plan to do that today. I have been a bit nervous to try setting it up but I need to so I will just need to take the leap and try to get it setup.
What was your experience of assertions?
I used assertions last semester in my OS class anytime I made an assumption that something would always be true so that if the assertion failed I would know that something was wrong. It was especially useful when dealing with disabling and enabling interrupts to be sure that everything was in the right state.
What was your experience of unit tests?
I haven’t used unit tests at all but I am excited to start using them this semester so that I can get into a better workflow that will be useful when I get a full-time job.
What made you happy this week?
This week something that made me happy was my dad’s birthday. Yesterday, even though I was having a hard time with my car, I was still able to get it fixed in time to go spend time with my dad. We went to a park to enjoy the nice weather and it was very nice.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to remember to build tests as you go and find bugs because later on, when you are trying to debug again, it could be that an old bug has come back, and if you had already made a test that exposed that bug you would know what was wrong right away instead of struggling to figure it out all over again.